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How to use AI and the newest technologies to make the mobility transition not only efficient but also green and sustainable? This and many further questions about the development of alternative transport means in Austria are the main interest of experts working on best solutions within the project AI-CENTIVE.  

On 26 June 2026 the AI-CENTIVE project partners and the DIO mobility network will meet for a public kick-off event in Vienna to discuss the core points of the project, its current stage and the next steps. The AI based solutions in the mobility field aim to incentivize Austrian citizens to choose alternative transportation means before they decide to use a private car. 

Mobility data spaces allow us to understand those choices better to act more environmentally friendly in the future. The AI-CENTIVE project advances the state of the art in AI research to build and manage a complex mobility data ecosystem as enabler of intelligent applications. 

If you work in the sustainable mobility field and want to join the event on 26 June 2023, simply register here.

We are looking forward to meeting you in Vienna!

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